Monday 14 November 2011

New release: FilesTube Navigator 1.0.1

Thank you very much to the good folks who have emailed in explaining the problems they've been having with the app. We've released a new version which should fix the major bug that people in some timezones (suspected all that don't use the British date format DD/MM/YY). The new version also reduced the number of taps needed to get at your new files, bypassing the previously used screen and taking you straight to the external download site.

Please note that in order to get this version, you will need to uninstall 1.0.0 and search the Android Market for FilesTube Navigator. This is because we lost our private key for releasing updates when our development laptop died - somewhat miraculously we managed to get the source code back by reverse engineering the .apk file, but we still couldn't sign new releases. Lesson learned for other Android developers: backup your keystore as well as your code!

We're also aware that there are possibly other issues out there, as we've had a few emails in that sounded like they might illustrate other problems. We fixed the big one that we suspect was causing the negative reviews on the Market, so moving forward we'd like to turn attention to other problems and improvements. Keep that feedback coming!

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